Saturday, November 21, 2009

Requisite Technology Skills Assessment

I scored extremely low on the Technology Applications inventory. I could not meet enough of the Grade Eight Technology Application TEKS to pass any reasonable test on them. I am a member of the generation that witnessed the first desk top computers. Ironically, we now have calculators that process faster and do more than those first desk top machines. I remember the first E-mail and Internet connections that I ever experienced. These were both as an adult working in the education field. My access to computers and technology has only expanded within the last seven or eight years. I have only owned my own personal computer with Internet access within the last two years.

I am able to work with Microsoft Word to a limited extent. I am literate in using e-mail and school network communications. I am able to maintain and update my web site from our district home page. I make available all of my lecture slides and project assignment sheets online. I also post links to sites that will assist my students with concepts in class. I am not afraid of technology, I just have an extremely limited experience in using it. When you join that with the fact that the current technology is already outdated once it reaches the consumer, I have a great deal of catching up to do. The areas in which I would most benefit from professional development include multimedia applications and course ware management for on-line learning.

I am a high school science teacher and I encourage my students to use technology when ever possible in learning. I seek to use technology in the course of my instruction. Our district has a great deal of technology available for both student and teacher use.There is little or no data collected to determine its use and impact on the curriculum or student engagement.Our students spend less than thirty minutes a week on average engaged in technology use as a part of the general curriculum. Computers are used extensively with our Read 180 program and AIMS WEB Math labs. The area that we are weakest in is the ability for students to collaborate on-line due to filtering limitations.

As a future instructional leader, the most important thing that I can do is to not stand in the way of progress. I must be open to and encourage the wise implementation of emerging technologies in the class room. I must not allow my own lack of skills to limit those of the generation of leaders to follow.

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